Exciting announcement! Lace + Amptify: Learn more about the aquisition
Amptify's auditory and cognitive training methods have been shown to develop speech perception skills, increase listening confidence, and enhance conversational fluency.
"I've spent my entire professional career studying how to make it possible for clinicians to provide evidence-based aural rehabilitation in a way that is both economically and practically feasible. Amptify is the synthesis of those efforts. Amptify completes the hearing healthcare journey --- after diagnostics and the hearing aid fitting, clinicians can now efficiently and easily provide aural rehabilitation with Amptify. And, people can get the complete hearing therapy they deserve."
"Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine showed in a study with 69 participants who have hearing loss that just 12 hours of auditory training improved word discrimination scores by 14% 1. In a study of 93 participants, 88% believed that they had improved at least one aspect of spoken language comprehension (i.e., words, sentences, general meaning) 4. In a study with open-set sentence recognition, participants improved recognition of words by 5%. The researchers found that benefits of auditory training were maintained 3 months after training ended.8
Researchers used changes in recall for the three-back position in a modified n-back task as an index of changes in perceptual effort. Eighty-three hearing aid users completed 12 hours of auditory training on were able to remember slightly more than one additional item in three-back modified n-back task training as compared with before training. Cognitive psychologists consider improvement on the task as an index of decreased perceptual effort. A follow-up testing session found that participants maintained some gains in perceptual effort 3 months after the end of training.3
After completing 12 hours of auditory training, 93 participants were asked how much the training had improved their listening confidence. They responded on a Likert scale of 1 (very little) to 7 (very much). Participants rated their increase in confidence as approximately 4, which indicates significant improvement. Their rating of how much they enjoyed playing the games was 5.5
When asked what they liked best about a hearing wellness program that included twice-weekly contact with a hearing healthcare provider and auditory training, the three top responses were the auditory training games (34% of the responses), the sense of helping one’s self (25%), and regular contact with a hearing healthcare provider (19%),4
Principles of second-language learning and cognitive psychology have established the efficacy of acoustically varied presentation formats and meaning based stimuli.6